Michael Moore is quite famous... Bowling for Columbine is banned in America eh.><)/// No public can broadcast it! But people can buy it in Canada, that's really hilarious :P
美國會禁止是因為Michael Moore在片中攻擊政府。 說政府的不是,而且還質疑所謂的"美國精神"。 像:在美國隨便申請bank account, you can get a free gun to use la. U.S government always blame on something else when there is really their fault...etc.
裡面的卡通很有意思。:) Full of meanings!
Bowling for Columbine is banned in America eh.><)///
No public can broadcast it!
But people can buy it in Canada,
that's really hilarious :P
Ruby....the one who used to question...
我猜想,「很會罵布希」也差不多就是光從媒體得知Michael Moore這個名字的人對這位導演的印象,不過,就我自己看過影片的觀感,那與其說是譏諷、批判,倒不如說是不煽情不陳腔濫調的自省。
像:在美國隨便申請bank account, you can get a free gun to use la. U.S government always blame on something else when there is really their fault...etc.