美國總統大選在即,候選人三不五時被媒體抓到聚光燈下品頭論足,似乎是很稀鬆平常的事。不過,在Wired讀到「Unlike McCain, many seniors depend on the Web」(不像麥坎,許多年長者倚靠網路)這篇報導,則讓人很難稀鬆平常看待,甚至覺得有點過於毒舌。
這篇文章一開頭,就從共和黨候選人約翰麥坎(John McCain)身為網路苦手にがて這一點切入,揶揄說如果麥坎想學好網路,或許可以去拜現年一百零六歲(比麥坎年長三十五歲)、網齡十年的Kathryn Robinson為師。
If Sen. John McCain is really serious about becoming a Web-savvy citizen, perhaps Kathryn Robinson can help.
Robinson is now 106 - that's 35 years older than McCain - and she began using the Internet at 98, at the Barclay Friends home in West Chester, Pa., where she lives. "I started to learn because I wanted to e-mail my family," she says - in an e-mail message, naturally.
根據Pew Research Center的統計資料顯示,只有百分之三十五的美國老年人(年齡超過六十五歲)經常使用網路。
以麥坎來說,網路之於他的個人生活,顯然並非必需。相對來說,前面提到那位名叫Kathryn Robinson的一百零六歲人瑞,則視網路為救星。Wired的那篇文章最後提到,Kathryn Robinson老奶奶從2003年開始,由於健康因素,變得難以言語。她在Email裡說道:「電腦成為我人生中的救星。」
Robinson credits her computer with helping her withstand the effects of a stroke she suffered in 2003. "In my case I had a stroke and as a result could not talk," she says in her e-mail. "The computer has been a lifesaver for me."