很久以前,我曾提過Best Friends這個很擅於利用Social media社會媒體炒話題、辨活動的NPO非營利組織。
三年前卡崔娜颶風發生後,Best Friends反應迅速地策劃了一個撫慰人心的寵物追思專題,而今年因應日益白熱化的美國總統大選,Best Friends更推出Obama Family Dog(建請民主黨總統候選人歐巴馬認養流浪狗)的請願活動,呼籲美國社會大眾:以認養流浪狗取代購買竉物狗。

If Sen. Barack Obama becomes president, he’ll instantly be faced with decisions that will affect millions of Americans. Senator Obama will also soon be making a decision that could affect millions of American dogs. It has been reported that once the election is over, win or lose, the Obamas will be looking for a new four-legged family member (much to his daughters’ delight).
via Petition to Urge the Obama Family to Adopt Their New Dog Petition
Best Friends之善用Social media(或者網路工具)表現在以下各方面:
- 獨立存在運作的主體活動網站:ObamaFamilyDog.com
- 鼓勵分享認養經驗的影像社群:Flickr: America's Adopted Pets!
- 迅速即時發佈消息以保持主題熱度的發訊工具(微網誌):Twitter / ObamaFamilyDog
- 利用六度分離善用交友平台推廣活動:Obama Family: Adopt a Dog! | Facebook以及MySpace
- 利用社會書籤、推文網站來延續話題引發關注:Digg - Urge the Obamas to ADOPT their new dog!
以認養取代購買,幾乎是舉世當今解決流浪狗問題的大勢所趨。Best Friends在這方面的努力(如何不讓它淪為口號),應該很值得台灣相關單位作為參考。