由CNET所發起的「What are the best 100 Web 2.0 sites and services? (2007年最佳Web 2.0網站與服務)」票選活動,即將在本月十一日截止,票選結果將在一週後,即十八日當天公佈。
活動的Slogan果然非常Web 2.0:
What are the best Web 2.0 services?
We don't know. But you do.
不過,前提得要參與者眾才稱得上Web 2.0、才稱得上Bottom-up、才稱得上網民做主,否則就像四不像民主政治的政客喊的口號那樣,其實是可操弄的。
- Browsing: Web browsers, extensions, widgets, and security
- Communications: e-mail, chat, VoIP
- Community: Social networks, groups
- Data: Search, storage, backup, sharing, and sync
- Entertainment: Games and contests
- Media: Audio, video, photo
- Mobile: Portable utilities and apps
- Productivity: Apps, business tools, commerce, online stores
- Publishing: Blogging, Web content, design tools
- Reference: Mapping, reference works, blogs, content sites, and education