如果你跟我一樣是AVG Anti-Virus 8的使用者,應該已經察覺最近AVG更新動作頻頻。


As a website that is featured heavily in many Google Australia search results, Whirlpool (Australia's largest technology forum) has been particularly affected by AVG's LinkScanner. We've seen a traffic increase as much as 12 hits per second from these bots. So we've actively and loudly campaigned against this move by AVG, encouraging all users of AVG 8.0 to uninstall the product.

先前我曾寫過一篇叫作AVG Anti-Virus 8 的超強升級的文章,其中提到LinkScanner(連結掃描)區分不同安全層級的新功能。對使用者來說,LinkScanner或許提供了一個風險更低的網路瀏覽環境,但對網站經營者來說,AVG這套防毒軟體動不動就派出機器人對各網站進行搜身(每秒12個點閱數),事實上可能變相增加網站的負擔,拖慢網站的運作效率,甚至可能增加網站癱瘓的風險。

Slashdot的文章提到澳洲最大的資訊論壇Whirlpool(惠而浦?)首先發難,要求所有AVG Anti-Virus 8的使用者主動移除這套軟體,結果驚動AVG的管理高層,最後AVG在澳紐地區的頭頭Peter Cameron只好主動上站回文澄清,並提出AVG將進行一連串線上更新以解決問題。

We thank you for your feedback. You can see that we do listen to you and take appropriate action as required. We are totally committed to providing maximum protection for our users and for the Internet eco-system as a whole without causing unnecessary disruption.


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