
然而,在倫敦新任市長Boris Johnson實踐競選承諾的前提下,倫敦市民可望透過共同參與,重新打造倫敦街景。

Along with Nelson's Column, Tower Bridge and The London Eye, our city's ubiquitous black cabs and red double-decker buses have become trademark icons for London.

I made a commitment during the election campaign to hold a competition to design a brand new bus for London, based on the much-missed Routemaster.

via Introduction from the Mayor of London Boris Johnson


  1. 想像組(Imagine):提供給一般民眾踴躍提供各種關於新巴士設計的天馬行空奇思妙想。
  2. 設計組(Design):提供給設計專業人士提案參賽。

從這項即將在英國時間British Summer Time (BST)2008年9月19日正午12:00收件截止的設計競賽來看,顯然台北市無論在設計、美學,或者民主,都差倫敦很大一截。

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