開放API,幾乎可說是新一代網路服務共有的特徵。而隨著開放API而來的,則是各式各樣為滿足重度使用者而生的第三方服務(3rd party)。




del.icio.us is a great service, but when you search through your bookmarks, you are only searching through tags, titles and descriptions, not the page content.

聽起來似乎很便利,不過,實際試用過後,應該三不五時很容易會發現:delizzy超出Delicious API流量限制而中止服務的紅字訊息。

News: Hi, we're currently throttled from the del.icio.us API.

What does this mean to you? It means that del.izzy will be unavailable for the next 20 minutes or more. Please come back soon! (Apologies for the delay...)

或許因為太受制於人,難怪delizzy的首頁急著做「Would you pay $19.99 for a del.izzy lifetime membership?」的票選調查。只不過,看起來好像沒什麼人捧場就是了。

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