我猜想,我們大概也可以從這個角度,來理解Google官方部落格經由《Introducing Google Building Maker》這篇文章,正式對外發表的最新線上服務平台:Building Maker。
簡單地說,Building Maker就是一個很方便用來在Google Earth上建造建築物立體模型的線上工具。
Building Maker的入口頁作了如下簡扼的說明:
- Select a city from around the world:選一座城市
- Make a building with photos we provide:架構一幢建築物
- Save your building and it will be reviewed:存檔;分享;接受評論回應
- See your 3D building in Google Earth:在Google Earth上看到你所架構的建築物
如前所述,「Building Maker」就是平台,「在Google Earth上看到你所架構的建築物」就是誘因。更關鍵、重要的,大概像是Google官方部落格在Building Maker介紹文裡所說的:
Our early beta testers insist that Building Maker is more like a game than a tool.
不僅如此,Google甚至還認為Building Maker很合適提供給老師來教地理:
Teachers might find that Building Maker is a great way to get students interested in geography.
所謂「寓教於樂」、「一兼二顧」,大概就像Building Maker這麼回事吧。