然而,根據英國每日電訊報The Daily Telegraph的這篇報導《Switzerland risks Muslim backlash after minarets vote》,這個反移民公投確實是個荒謬的笑話:因為有57.5%的瑞士公民,相當於1百53萬4千人投票贊成禁建清真寺尖塔。
As recently as two weeks ago, opinion polls showed 53 per cent would reject the ban and just 37 per cent would support it. But yesterday's results showed a swing to 57.5 per cent in favour (1.534 million people), 42.5 per cent against (1.135 million people) and 22 of the 26 cantons also in support of the initiative.
瑞士籍的歐洲議會議員Andreas Gross評論這次瑞士公投就像是「甩了每一位懂人權的人一耳光」。
Andreas Gross, president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, called the ban a "slap in the face to everyone who has an idea of the human rights."
He said: "This is clearly the result of a lack of information and political education in Switzerland. As a result the voters have been misdirected by their emotions. The foundations of Switzerland's direct democracy have failed."
Andreas Gross同時也將公投結果歸因於瑞士公民的
- 缺乏正確資訊
- 缺乏政治素養
- 被情緒煽動所誤導