
在缺乏行銷預算與品牌資源,純粹只憑藉口碑行銷Word Of Mouth Marketing話題共嗚行銷Buzz Marketing,真的有機會能一圓iPhone淘金夢嗎?


via iPhone淘金熱

在2008年7月,Apple的App Store剛問世時,全世界只有500個可供購買下載的App。而一年多後的現在,已上架在App Store裡的應用程式已超過10萬。

這麼如海嘯席捲、激烈競爭的事實現況,也意味著「寫個小程式,丟上App Store,等著聚沙成塔,一舉致富」的iPhone淘金夢,將愈來愈難實現成真。


via iPhone淘金熱


根據MobileCrunch的這篇報導,有個名叫RedLaser的刷條碼iPhone App,顯然就在缺乏行銷預算與品牌資源,純粹只憑藉口碑行銷與話題共嗚行銷,就這麼一圓iPhone淘金夢了。

Best Utility: RedLaser

Are barcodes exciting? Not really. But RedLaser makes a good fist of making them much more interesting. It lets you scan barcodes using your iPhone camera, identifying products and then hunting down the best price online via Google Products and Amazon. The key use: you're in a shop and want to check if a product is available cheaper online. It's fully localised for the UK in terms of currency and Web sites, too. The serious use might be saving cash and sending high-street firms bust, but the silly use involves scanning every barcode in sight, just to see if you can stump it.

最佳工具應用程式: RedLaser


via Best iPhone Apps of 2009: CNET UK's Home Screen Awards - Crave at CNET UK

雖然,CNET UK曾在今年11月選出RedLaser為iPhone最佳工具應用程式。不過,若根據MobileCrunch的報導來看,在那個時間點,RedLaser早已火熱得一飛沖天,只能說是錦上添花了。

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