Nuremberg Toy Fair


然而,近幾年來,電玩 (Video Games) 的銷售跌勢似乎已成定局。

這幾天在德國熱烈開展的「紐倫堡國際玩具博覽會」,就趁勢丟出一個「紙牌遊戲(Board Games)將超越電玩(Video Games)?」的話題。

Spielwarenmesse International Toy Fair Nürnberg is the largest international trade fair for toys and games. Only trade visitors associated with the toy business, journalists and invited guests are admitted. The six day long fair is opened every year in the beginning of February by the sitting Minister-President of Bavaria who also oversees the fair. About 2,700 exhibitors from about 60 countries are presenting their novelties on the fair. In 2009, 75,000 trade visitors from 115 countries came to Nuremberg, Germany. The fair is organized by Nuremberg company Spielwarenmesse eG, a registered cooperative founded by toy traders.

via Nuremberg International Toy Fair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


在今年「紐倫堡國際玩具博覽會」所舉辦的Building Our Future打造未來研討會裡,「紙牌遊戲(Board Games)將超越電玩(Video Games)?」成為一個熱烈討論的主題。

Experts see video games in decline, board games on rise》這篇報導,引述來自美國的玩具達人Richard Gottlieb的說法,剖析傳統玩具與遊戲將絕地反擊電玩:

'Board games are cross-generational. They bring the family together,' said Gottlieb, adding that newer games had been made more challenging for adults than for younger players, giving children a better chance of winning.

Richard Gottlieb說:「紙牌遊戲跨越世代,可以讓家人聚在一起。」而且,愈來愈多新推出的紙牌遊戲,對成人來說,反而更富挑戰,這也使得小朋友們有更多贏的機會。


至於,Facebook上頗有愈來愈火熱的Social Game呢?


Richard Gottlieb否定了這種可能:

'The rise of free gaming means that people don't spend so much money on hardware systems, so we will see a continued decline in video game sales,' he said in an interview. Cheaper telecommunications are also going to have an impact on toys.

Richard Gottlieb提到:「免費遊戲的崛起,意味著人們愈來愈傾向於不願花錢在硬體上,而我們也將持續看到電玩銷售的跌勢。」

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