
兩個禮拜前,我收到公關公司為Adobe Creative Suite 5上市所辦的造勢活動邀請email。



幾天前,跟插畫家閒聊起這樣的事時,有點為Adobe Creative Suite的版本更新頻繁感到咋舌與不解。

「其實,像Wacom送的免費Painter Classic就很好用。 」插畫家這麼說。

雖然,超陽春的Painter Classic根本連圖層都沒有,更別提任何新版Painter所擁有花枝招展的強大功能。



創意工作有時候就像《Car pencil sketch tutorial》所提到極其基本的素描:

Some of key points to keep in mind: 1. Black pencils super sharpened, 2. clean desk with only paper pad and pecils this is about discipline and order, good organization prevents making mistakes, clean hands not to make our sketch dirty after few minutes, 3. Line quality sketching light before working the depth of our linework, 4. Good perspective and proportions, this is a must to have good sketches in our portfolio 5. Pencil shading, it is like modeling in 2D with a pencil. It is with a good controlled shading that we create dark areas as well as light ones we also create highlights.


  1. 削尖的鉛筆
  2. 乾淨的桌子、雙手跟白紙
  3. 俐落的鉛筆速寫線條
  4. 良好的透視與比例
  5. 合宜地修飾亮面與暗面

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