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前幾天看完雷利·史考特的電影《Robin Hood (2010)》,不久,就在紐約時報讀到保羅·克魯曼的專欄文章《The Angry Rich》。

時間點的巧合,讓我忍不住對《Robin Hood (2010)》與《The Angry Rich》產生種種聯想。



These are terrible times for many people in this country. Poverty, especially acute poverty, has soared in the economic slump; millions of people have lost their homes. Young people can’t find jobs; laid-off 50-somethings fear that they’ll never work again.

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哪個有錢人那麼好死呢?保羅·克魯曼直接點名了這一位:世界最大私募股權基金「黑石集團(Blackstone Group)」的創辦人Stephen A. Schwarzman

就在今年,美國總統歐巴馬簽署了意在剝奪特權階級之特權的《華爾街改革法案(Wall Street Reform Act)》之後,就被Stephen A. Schwarzman之流的有錢人們譬喻作納粹(Nazi)德國的希特勒(Hitler)

When the billionaire Stephen Schwarzman compared an Obama proposal to the Nazi invasion of Poland, the proposal in question would have closed a tax loophole that specifically benefits fund managers like him.


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除了時間點的巧合之外,另一個讓我忍不住把《Robin Hood (2010)》與《The Angry Rich》聯想在一起的,其實是一種「我們的處境都被美化了」的概觀直覺。


And when the tax fight is over, one way or another, you can be sure that the people currently defending the incomes of the elite will go back to demanding cuts in Social Security and aid to the unemployed. America must make hard choices, they’ll say; we all have to be willing to make sacrifices.

But when they say “we,” they mean “you.” Sacrifice is for the little people.

不像羅賓漢還能有個雪伍德森林(Sherwood Forest)可以打造自己的理想國。

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