微軟的執行長CEO, Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer 在最近的一場演講中提到「軟體開發實在太複雜了」。

Ballmer also suggested that software development is still too complex, and integrating separate computer systems still too difficult. The complexity of software development is still the "bane" of the IT industry, he said.

Steve Ballmer甚至用「資訊科技產業的禍源"bane" of the IT industry」來形容軟體開發的多頭馬車複雜現況。

Steve Ballmer在演講中提到,軟體開發簡單就這三件事:

  1. 創造更人性好用的介面 (create better natural interfaces)
  2. 提供更簡便的程式編撰工具 (simplify programming tools)
  3. 提供電腦使用者更好用的搜尋與分析工具 (create better search and analytical tools for computer users)

同時,Steve Ballmer也預言全新的電腦革命將發生在未來十年內。

new computer revolution would happen in the next 10 years


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