
今年盛行於國際間的佔領運動(Occupy Movement),最早可溯源自7月30日發生在吉隆坡的佔領獨立廣場(Occupy Dataran)運動,到了9月17日,紐約與舊金山分別又出現佔領華爾街(Occupy Wall Street)以及佔領舊金山(Occupy San Francisco)運動。最後,則演變成影響全美及至全世界的抗異運動,至今仍一發不可收拾。




首先是Occupy Flash這個網站,號召網路開發人員與使用者一起來佔領Flash,呼籲整個網路世界都該放棄這個問題叢生、漏洞百出又已經過時的陳舊技術。

Flash Player is dead. Its time has passed. It's buggy. It crashes a lot. It requires constant security updates. It doesn't work on most mobile devices. It's a fossil, left over from the era of closed standards and unilateral corporate control of web technology. Websites that rely on Flash present a completely inconsistent (and often unusable) experience for fast-growing percentage of the users who don't use a desktop browser. It introduces some scary security and privacy issues by way of Flash cookies.

Flash makes the web less accessible. At this point, it's holding back the web.

其次,相對於Occupy Flash要求讓Flash澈底滅絕,由一群Flash研發人員所成立的Occupy HTML則要求大家給Flash一條生路,畢竟它都已經跟著大家活了這麼久,沒道理現在有這個必要搞一個HTML種族淨化主義來趕盡殺絕。

Flash is mature. It's supported by all major desktop browsers. It's stable when used properly. If not, it crashes a lot, just like every other technology. It requires constant security updates, just like every other web technology. It doesn't work well on most mobile devices, and for good reasons. It's a content plugin, developed during the era of closed standards and unilateral corporate control of web technology. Websites that rely on Flash can present a unique (and often unparalleled) experience for the massive percentage of users on a desktop browser. Flash powers some amazing experiences that work consistently across all of the major browsers in a way that cannot be replicated without Flash technology.

Championing simplistic statements regarding web technologies makes the web less educated.

At this point, it's holding back the web.


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