

The Verge則乾脆找他們的編輯Paul Miller來親身實作。

從2012年5月1日開始,Paul Miller就不再使用網路。

經過整整一年沒有網路的生活之後,Paul Miller在The Verge發表了《I’m still here: back online after a year without the internet》這篇文章。

就像許多人可能預想的那樣,Paul Miller最初覺得:沒有網路的生活,應該是更具生產力、更富有靈性與意義。

但,文章一開始,Paul Miller就承認他錯了。

I was wrong.

One year ago I left the internet. I thought it was making me unproductive. I thought it lacked meaning. I thought it was "corrupting my soul."



網路讓人與人的連結更緊密,就像Harry Clarke線條緊密的愛倫坡插畫一樣。這種緊密讓人感覺華麗,同時,也讓人感覺壓力與不自由。


Paul Miller在文章最末了提到他與他5歲侄女的對話:

My last afternoon in Colorado I sat down with my 5-year-old niece, Keziah, and tried to explain to her what the internet is. She'd never heard of "the internet," but she's huge on Skype with the grandparent set. I asked her if she'd wondered why I never Skyped with her this year. She had.

"I thought it was because you didn't want to," she said.

Paul Miller因為刻意不使用網路,而不再與5歲的侄女Skype,這讓他的侄女認為整件事單純只是因為他不願意那麼做罷了。


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